Enhancement of LTC to Govt Employees vide GO.76


  1. In the Government or der first read above, based on the recommendations of Ninth Pay Revision Commission, employees were permitted to avail Leave Travel Concession in a Block period of 4 years and may avail this concession to visit any place within the state during the second Block
  2. Orders were issued in the Government order second read above, on request of the JAC of employees, T achers, Workers and Pensioners, of A.P., permitting employees to avail Leave Trav el Concession anywhere in India once in entire service during the second part of Bl ck period, up to a maximum distance of 3 500 Kms to and fro, and subject to restricting the claim to Rs. 12500/-. The other terms and conditions shall remain same as mentioned in the reference first cited.
  3. The Tenth Pay Revision Commission has recommended the enhancement of the claim amount for Leave Travel Concession once in entire service to all State Government employees, from Rs. 12,500/- to Rs.18,750/- while keeping the limit of the maximum distance as 3500 Kms.only
  4. Government after careful consideration have decided to accept the above recommendation of Tenth R PC. All the Government employees of Telangana may travel anywhere in India on Leave Travel Concession once in entire ser vice, during second Block period, up to a Maximum distance of 3,500 Kms to a nd fro, and subject to restricting the cl aim to Rs. 18750/-. The other terms an d conditions shall remain same mentioned in the reference first cited
  5. These orders shall c ome into force with effect from 01.05.2015 i.e., in respect of the journeys pe rformed after 01.05.2015 or commenced prior to 01.05.2015 and continued be yond 01.05.2015

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