GO.105 Committees formation for maintenance of toilets & drinking water fcility

  • Roles and Functions of Village Level Committee are as follows:
    The Village Level Committee will meet every month and monitor/review and
    coordinate on the following activities
    1. Develop Mandal Annual Action Plan on School Sanitation by integrating the targets, plans and funds of SSA, RMSA, Municipal Administration Department, RWS&S and other line Departments and also include drinking water, power supply, construction of kitchen sheds & compound walls in the School apart from the implementation of Haritha Haaram Programme.
    2. Identify the bottle necks, issues if any and bring to the notice of the Mandal Level Committee as and when the issue is noticed for immediately resolving of the issue.
    3. Give proper training to the children in maintaining of hygienic conditions in and around the school toilets.
    4. Take appropriate action against vandalism of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
      (WASH) and other facilities in the schools through School Management Committees.
    5. Ensure timely payment to the concerned and review the expenditure on monthly
    6. Identify special steps needed including innovations to ensure functional toilets in the school
    7. Plan and obtain liberal private and Civil Society Organizations Partnership in improving the school sanitation and other facilities.
    8. The Convener, Village L e v e l Committee should communicate the details of the implementation of Village School Sanitation programme and other facilities in a specified format to the Convener of the Mandal Level Committee on monthly basis in the specified proforma. 

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