GO.57 AP Transfers of Employes (General)

Accordingly, the existing ban on transfer of employees
imposed in G.O.Ms No 211 of Finance (DCM-II) Department dated November 15,
2014, is hereby relaxed for the period from May 18 to 31, 2015, to ensure right
placement of employee to secure optimum productivity and commitment to
furtherance of Government’s development objectives. 

Guidelines for

The transfers will be undertaken with adherence to the
following instructions. 

1)The transfer of employees will be undertaken between May
18 and May 31, 2015. There shall be no transfer prior to or after this period.

2)The transfer policy should be an effective tool in
capacity building with the employees getting a variety of experience within the
department, thus becoming more fit to hold higher responsibilities.

3)Any employee retiring on and before June 30, 2016
shall not be transferred. No person shall be transferred before completion of
two years of service at a particular duty station as on May 01, 2015. Likewise,
no person shall be retained beyond five years of service in any station.
Service in all cadres at any duty station shall be counted while calculating
the period of service at a particular duty station.


4)Employee who has completed more than five years at a
duty station duly counting the total service rendered in all cadres shall be
transferred without exception;

5)Employees who have completed two years of service may
be transferred either on administrative grounds or on account of the following
conditions upon request for transfer:


6)Employees with disabilities of 40% or more as
certified by the competent authority as per “Persons with Disabilities (P.W.D)
(Equal opportunities, protection of rights and full participation Act, 1995);

7)Husband and Wife cases (Only one of the spouses shall
be shifted following the prescribed procedure); 

8)Requiring advanced medical treatment for serious
ailments like Cancer, Open Heart Surgery, Neurosurgery, and Renal
transplantation, for self or spouse or dependent children and dependent
parents, to a place where such facilities are available; and

9)Employees having mentally retarded children may be
considered for posting to a place where medical facilities are available
subject to certification by the competent authority. 

10)The second and higher level Gazetted Officers shall
not be posted in their native district. Native District shall be determined by
the entry in the Service Register of the employee. Other employees shall not be
posted in their native Mandal.

11)Employees shall invariably be transferred from the
existing location on promotion, unless no such post exists at a different

12)For the purpose of transfer, Duty Station is defined
as the Place (City, Town, Village) of actual working and not office or
institution under which the employee is working.

13)All transfers ordered where the employees have
indicated preference for duty stations shall be treated as request transfers
for the purpose of sanction of T.T.A. and other transfer benefits.

Process for Transfer
i)         The Government will issue orders for the transfer of
all State Cadre officers. Whereas, the Head of the Department (HoD) will order
the transfer of Zonal and Multi-Zonal Officers. While issuing transfers of all
State Cadre Officers, Zonal and Multizonal Officers, the Government/HOD shall
indicate the specific place/post available in a District if there is only a
single post for that category/cadre of officers in the District. If there is
more than one post available in that cadre/ category in that district, such
officers shall be allotted to the districts and the District Level Committee
will finalize the place of posting within the district.
A District Level Committee (DLC) is being established
with the Minister-in-charge of the District Development as the Chairman and comprising
of the District Collector and the District Head of the concerned department.
The DLC will effect the transfer of all Local / District Cadre employees. It
will also assign posting to the Zonal / Multi-Zonal and State Cadre employees
allotted to the district by the Government / HOD.  The DLC shall finalise the list of employees
to be transferred and upon approval by the Committee, the District head of the
concerned department shall issue orders.
All transfers shall be done in a fair and transparent
manner, with due consideration for the productivity and efficiency of the
employee. Transfer may be taken up by counselling for all Non-gazetted officers
and below categories, except in cases where transfers are effected on
administrative grounds. 
iv)         Transfers on compassionate and personal grounds have
been misused from time to time. Before ordering the transfer, the competent
authority will verify the truthfulness of the grounds and take necessary
The employee shall be deemed to be relieved from the
post within five working days of issuance of the orders of transfer by the
competent authority. Every employee thus transferred shall submit a charge
handing over report to his / her successor with a copy to the head of the
The Secretary to the Government, Head of the
Department and the District Collector shall be responsible for ensuring that
transfers under his / her control are strictly in accordance with the
instructions detailed in this order.

The standing instructions guiding the transfers of
Office Bearers of recognized employees unions issued in Circular Memo No.245/GA/A1/2014-1,Dated : 16.09.2014 shall be

The above instructions, however, will not apply to the
revenue earning departments viz. i) Commercial Taxes; ii) Prohibition &
Excise; iii) Stamps & Registration; and  iv) Transport. Separate orders will be issued
for these departments. Similarly, separate Guidelines will be required for the
Education (School Education and Higher Education) and Health, Medical and
Family Welfare Departments keeping in view the unique nature of the service
conditions prevailing in these departments and the specialisations in different
cadres. Further, the T&A Department is exempted from these orders in view
of implementation of CFMS and ongoing computerization. These departments will
issue separate orders in consultation with the Finance Department with separate
time schedule and instructions applicable for the employees of these
Likewise, these orders will not apply to the staff
working under the control of the Hon’ble High Court of Telangana and Andhra

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